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Environmental, Health and Safety Policy


Yoma Strategic Holdings Ltd (“YSH”) and its subsidiaries (together “the Group”) have implemented its policy on ‘Environment, Health and Safety’ (“EH&S”) in support of a Group wide Corporate Governance framework, to:

  • foster greater awareness of sustainable approaches across the Group;
  • enhance its capabilities to identify and manage adverse impacts from all business activities; and
  • instill a culture of ‘no harm, less pollution and wider conservation approaches to protect the environment’ in all business operations.

Our commitment

In line with International Finance Corporation’s (IFC) Performance Standards, the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) Safeguard policy, national environmental policies and other applicable laws, the Group is required to safeguard the environment by:

  • incorporating environmental and social considerations into business strategy, and allocate adequate resources to manage EH&S risks associated with projects;
  • promoting a safe, clean and healthy environment and better work culture to minimise any adverse environment, health, safety and social impacts arising out of operations;
  • establishing EH&S system and processes to adhere to and comply with applicable legislation, regulations and other requirements pertaining to environment, health, safety, labour and community at large;
  • optimising energy and resources by way of minimising wastes and increasing use of environmentally sustainable products, materials and services;
  • monitoring, reporting and improving of applicable procedures and performances (where required) regularly; and
  • communicating this EH&S Policy to all employees, contractors, suppliers and business partners.
This EH&S Policy will be disseminated to all employees, contractors, suppliers and business partners.