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Human Rights Policy


Yoma Strategic Holdings Ltd (“YSH”) and its subsidiaries (together, “the Group”) have implemented its policy on ‘Human Rights’ in support of a Group wide Corporate Governance framework, to:

  • foster greater awareness of human rights throughout the Group including (but not limited to) equal opportunity, antidiscrimination, right to life, liberty, and security of person;
  • enhance its capabilities to identify and manage adverse impacts from all business activities; and
  • instill the culture of ‘respecting individuals’ right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion including freedom of opinion and expression without interference’ in all business operations.

Our commitment

In line with applicable international and national practices, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labor Organization’s (ILO) Declaration, International Finance Corporation’s (IFC) Performance Standards two, five and seven, the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) Gender Development and Safeguard policy and the tenth principle of United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), the Group is required to safeguard the human rights by:

  • being involved in multilateral efforts to support human rights, as well as taking part in activities designed to promote human rights;
  • making specific references to this Human Rights Policy in the Group’s standards, policies, procedures and ethical values;
  • treating all employees with respect and dignity, promoting diversity in the workplace in consistent with the Group’s policies and procedures, and adhering to all applicable national laws and core labor principles;
  • interacting with all employees in a manner that respects human rights and consistent with the spirit and intent of this Human Rights Policy;
  • reinforcing awareness of potential human rights issues;
  • monitoring, reporting and improving applicable procedures (where required) regularly; and
  • communicating this Human Rights Policy to all employees, contractors, suppliers and business partners.
This Human Rights Policy will be disseminated to all employees, contractors, suppliers and business partners.