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Investor Relation Policy


Yoma Strategic Holdings Ltd. (the “Company” or “Yoma Strategic”) and its subsidiaries (collectively, the “Group”) has implemented this investor relations policy which aims to provide timely, unbiased and accurate disclosures of material information to the public, in accordance with the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited Listing Manual, Code of Corporate Governance 2018 and current best practices.

This Investor Relations Policy describes the principles and practices for the Company to provide current and prospective investors with information necessary to make well-informed investment decisions.

Our commitment

In order to communicate regularly and effectively with its shareholders, Yoma Strategic is committed to:

  • Treat all shareholders fairly and equitably, and endeavour to uphold a practice of fair, transparent and timely disclosure of information;
  • Use clear and plain language in its communication with shareholders; and
  • Provide a consistent level of disclosure on both positive and negative developments.

Responding to Market Rumours

The Company does not generally respond to rumours or market speculation. However, if rumours are materially false or inaccurate, they shall be promptly denied or clarified via announcements made on the SGX-ST via SGXNET to avoid unnecessary speculation.

Authorised Spokespersons

The Company communicates only through designated senior spokespersons who will establish and maintain regular dialogue with shareholders to solicit and understand their views, as well as respond to inquiries from members of the investment community or media.

Employees who are not authorised spokespersons must not respond under any circumstances to inquiries from the investment community or media, unless specifically authorised by designated senior spokespersons. Any inquiry received should be directed to the Group Communications and Investor Relations Departments.

Communication with Shareholders and Investment Community

The Company actively engages its shareholders via:

(a) Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) and/or Extraordinary General Meeting (“EGM”)

  • All shareholders will be sent a copy of the notice of AGM/EGM, which lists all items of business to be transacted at the general meeting, within the required notice period prior to the AGM/EGM.
  • The notices of AGM/EGM will also be announced via SGXNET and published in the local newspaper.
  • Members of the board of directors, the Company’s key management personnel and the external auditors of the Company will endeavour to be in attendance at general meetings to address shareholders’ queries.
  • All shareholders are entitled to attend and vote at general meetings in person or by proxy.
  • Shareholders can appoint up to two proxies to attend, speak and vote at general meetings in their absence.
  • Shareholders who are relevant intermediaries may appoint more than two proxies.
  • An announcement of the voting results will be made in a timely manner via SGXNET after the conclusion of each general meeting.
  • The minutes of these general meetings will be made available on the Company’s website within a reasonable time after the conclusion of the relevant general meeting.

(b) Corporate Website

Press releases, financial results, SGXNET announcements, news, Annual Reports, Sustainability Reports and other relevant corporate information are available on the corporate website at

Shareholders and members of the public may subscribe to an e-mail alert service at the Company’s corporate website to receive regular updates on the Company’s corporate information and announcements. The contact details for the Investor Relations Department are also provided on the Company’s corporate website.

(c) Analysts and Investment Community

The Company will give reasonable access to the investment community and media to help them formulate informed opinions of the Company but will not seek to influence those opinions.

The Company will hold analyst’s briefings via physical meetings or conference calls for its half-yearly and full year results to communicate its financial performance, strategies and outlook.

The Company will establish and maintain regular dialogue with the investment community through one-on-one/group meetings or conference calls, roadshows and industry conferences organised throughout the year. Shareholders’ trips and site visits to the Company’s businesses in Myanmar will, as far as possible, also be offered to shareholders and the investment community to provide a first-hand experience of the Group’s operations.

These regular dialogues seek to help the investment community gain a broader understanding of the Company’s businesses allowing a greater appreciation of the long-term growth prospects of the Company and for the Company to better understand the views of shareholders and the investment community.

(d) Financial Results

The Company observes a “blackout period” of two weeks prior to the announcement of the Company’s trading updates for the first and third quarters of its financial year and one month prior to the announcement of the Company’s half year and full-year financial statements. During the “blackout period”, the Company will refrain from making comments on industry outlook, business performance and financial results.

Shareholders Privacy

The Company recognises the importance of its shareholders’ privacy and will not disclose shareholders’ information without consent, unless required by law.The Company actively engages its shareholders via: